The Main Function
The celebrations started with invocation songs by Sri R.K. Sridharan and Sri C.R. Sathyakumar followed by Bharatanatyam dance performances by Selvi
R.B. Sangeetha and Selvi K.N. Krithiga Sonali. The Guests of Honour and Special Invitees lighted the lamp in front of the portrait of the Sourashtra Sathguru
Sri Natana Gopala Nayaki Swamin (whose 174th Jayanthi Celebration also formed part of our festival).
Upon request of General Secretary Sri T.S. Jayabalan, a minute silence was observed to condole the departed souls in the previous year. Sri R.K. Sridharan, Vice-President, welcomed the Chief Guest, Guests of Honours, Special Invitees and the general sourashtra public and Sri T.S. Jayabalan briefed to the audience the activities and achievements of KUSO during the year 2016.
In conformity with the theme of the Festival – 'Virat Sourashtra Sangamam' – the audience included guests viz., Sri Bipin Mehta from Samyuktha Gujarathi Samajam (Karnataka), Sri Suresh representing Tirupur Gujarati Sangam and Members of Akhila Bharata and Karnataka Kshatriya Samaj and Mahasabha, in addition to our own Sourashtra representatives from all towns and cities like Madurai, Kumbakonam, Salem, Chennai etc. which made this Festival a Fore-runner of the ensuing Maha Sourashtra Sangamam. Sri K.H. Srinivas Khoday, son of our Patron for many years, Sri L. Sri Hari Khoday (Chairman and Managing Director of Khoday Group of Industries, Bangalore) presided over the function. Because the Governor of Karnataka Hon'ble Sri Vajubhai Rudabhai Vala was not in a position to join us, Dr Kamalesh P. Joshipura (Former Vice-Chancellor, Sourashtra University, Rajkot and founding member of 'Sourashtra Heritage Chair') had joined us our Chief Guest. While Dr. (Mrs) Bhavana K. Joshipura (Ex-Mayor (First Lady Mayor) of Rajkot and President, All India Women Conference, Gujarat) and Padmasri Dr. T.S. Chandrasekar (Founder & Chief Interventional Gastroenterologist, MEDINDIA HOSPITALS, Medindia Institute of Medical Specialities (MEDINIMS) had joined us as Guests of Honours, the following Special invitees, viz., Sri T.D. Eswaramurthy, President, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha, Sri M.S. Ramalingam, Former General Secretary, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha, Thanjavur and Sri A.M. Ramakrishnan, Meenakshi Catering, Madurai and Chennai Restaurant, Chennai had decorated the stage. KUSO President Sri K.V. Pathy read out the Greeting message from the Karnataka Governor (as he could not come because of the Prime Minister's visit). Sri Pathy pointed out that KUSO is always working for Unity (their motto being – 'Unity is our Strength'). He further explained that a Petition submitted to the Governor requesting his help to get the name 'Sourashtra' to be gazetted under backward class and to recognise Sourashtra language as an Independent language to be listed under the 8th Schedule of our Indian Constitution.
The Function President Sri K.H. Srinivas Khoday after extending new year greetings to all of us, he explained that Sourashtras from Sourashtra regions and Kshatriyas from Rajasthan, some moved towards North India and majority of them moved towards Andhra, Karnataka and Tamilnadu because of aggression by foreign invaders. He advised that we should speak in our mother tongue Sourashtra only among ourselves. According to the wishes of his father and our years-long Patron Sri L. Sri Hari Khoday, we must meet frequently to have solid unity among us. He had also promised to patronize our Organisation in the footsteps of his eminent father Later Sri K.H. Srinivas Khoday released the KUSO Daily Calendar for 2017 on the stage.
The Chief Guest and the Keynote Speaker Dr. Kamalesh P. Joshipura started with the statement – 'Above all, I am a Sourashtrian'. He explained that the Maha Sourashtra Sangamam is to be held with one lakh participants at Madurai to which our Prime Minister Sri Modiji is to be invited. This is to integrate all Sourashtras from South India, Saurashtra (Gujarat) and from all parts of India and abroad (Non-Resident Sourashtras). He paid rich tributes to our Sadguru Sri Natana Gopala Nayaki Swamin who was born and also attained Mukthi on Vaikunda Ekadashi day 174 years back.
Dr. Mrs Bhavana K. Joshipura (former first lady mayor of Rajkot and Human Rights activist) wanted, in her speech, our women folk to be empowered. In the community activities, much importance should be given to sourashtra ladies and to their committed participation, she added.
Padmasri Dr. T.S. Chandrasekar in his brief speech gave valuable tips for our people to maintain health in their day to day life. Sri T.D. Eswara Murthy, President, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha, recalled the patronage extended by Sri L. Sri Hari Khoday for the Madurai and Chennai Sourashtra Conferences. He too extended his support to the Maha Sourashtra Sangamam and requested KUSO to participate.
Sri M.S. Rama Lingam observed that because KUSO conducts Jadhaga Parivarthanai Mela twice in a year regularly, the personalities decorated on the stage seem to appear to be bridegrooms in a row and according to him Sri and Smt. B.A. Vishwanath were very young among them. Though we had moved from Gujarat, we have the quality of mingling with others very easily. It may be our berth quality, he said. He welcomed Sri and Smt. Joshipura and expressed his happiness on their presence from Rajkot. Dr B.A. Viswanath, KUSO Patron and Chairman of Aditya Group of Institutions wanted more united activities among Sourashtras of Bangalore and Karnataka. He requested Sri T.D. Eswaramurthy to hold the next conference at Bangalore. He also praised KUSO President Sri K.V. Pathy for his energetic activities even at the age of 85 and asked the audience to give him a standing ovation. They did.
Smt. Suryakumari, mother of Sri B.A. Viswanath, handed over the key to Sri K.V. Pathy, for Office Room for KUSO.
Sri K.V. Pathy, released 'KAADAMBARI KHATO' – the world's first Novel in Sanskrit, written in Sourashtra language and Published by Sri K.R. Ravindranath. Sri Ravindranath distributed copies of the novel to the guests on the stage and the audience.
Sri A.M.Ramakrishnan (Meenakshi Catering, Madurai and Chennai Restaurant, Chennai) handed over his sponsorship cheque for KUSO Guest House amidst welcome cheers from the audience.
Later, KUSO Office Bearers and Committee Members were introduced on the stage.
VIP Present
Sri K.R. Sethuraman (Bhasha Samman Awardee), Sri K.V. Manoharan (BVK Group, Bangalore), Sri R.S.S. Nathan (Former President, Delhi Sourashtra Association), Sri N.S.R. Santharam (Secretary, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha), Sri M.V. Mohanram (Com. Member, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha, Madurai), Sri Kuppal Devadoss (Maanila Thunai Seyalaalar, Samuga Nallinakka Peravai, Chennai), Sri S. Rama Eswarlal (Editor, Juttisuns Ad Page, Chennai), Sri V.N. Baskar, Com. Member, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha, Ooty), Sri T.R. Govindan, Member, Thozhil Kulu, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha, Dindigul), Lion D.V. Subburaman, Dindigul, Lion K.B. Mohan, Sevvapettai, Salem, Sri K.R. Ravindranath, (Member, Linguistic Minority Cell, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha), Sri S.S. Mohan, Join Secretary, Sri J.S.K. Ganesh, Committee Member, Sri J.K.M. Vijayakumar, Committee Member, Ariyankavu Devasthana Sourashtra Mahajana Sangam, Madurai, Sri Govindarajulu, Tirupathi, Sri Sakthi Rengarajan, Chennai and Hosur Lion
Sri K.Ve. Nagarajan with his 60 Group members and various others from various parts of India had joined us to make this festival a very remarkable achievement by KUSO.
Dr B.A. Vishwanath (Aditya Group of Institutions), Sri K.V. Manoharan (BVK Groups), Sri S.R. Jayaprakash-Hosur, Sri K.V. Omprakash, Dr. K.R. Baskaran-Chairman, Mahalakshmi Group of Institutions, Arcot, Sri K.T. Chandrasekar (Chandra Printers), Sri B.N. Manohar, Lion K.Ve. Nagarajan (Supreme Packages, Hosur), Sri M.K. Thyagarajan,
Sri B.R. Vasu (Swathi Electronics), Sri A.S. Shanmugarajan (Electrotech Systems), Sri K.K. Devadoss Babu Family Members, Sri M.N. Ravi, Sri S.K. Varadarajan (Mukund Furnitures, M/s. Power Equipment Systems), Sri S.R. Venkatesh, Sri K.S. Srinivasan, Sri V. Govindan, Sri T.B. Ayyappan, Sri J. Kodeeswaran Babu, Sri M.R. Suresh,
Sri V.G. Gopalakrishnan (Former President, KUSO), Sri U.K. Kalyanaraamudu, Sri M.R. Jeevan, Sri V.R. Viswanathan, Sri T.S. Sridharan, Sri G. Ashok Kumar, Sri Malligai M. Balachandran, Sri H.R. Sathish, Sri L.T. Baskar, Sri C.K. Dwaraganath, Sri K.R. Dakshinamoorthy and Smt. K.D. Lakshmipriya had liberally donated for successful conduct of this festival.
Sri A.R. Sridharan (brother of Smt. A.R. Mahalakshmi, Founder, 'Sowbagya', Women Enterpreneurs Association), had conducted various items of magic shows and entertained the children as well as elders. It is to be noted that this entertainment programme is also sponsored by Dr. B.A. Viswanath.
Sri Murali Krishnan, young age friend of Sri K.K. Devadoss Babu, Treasurer, KUSO, conducted a music programme and got appreciated by the audience. Sri P.S. Kumaran, son of Sri P.R. Surendran, KUSO Astrologer, was on the violin and Sri T.S. Gokulnath on the mrudangam accompanied in the musical programme.
Selvan V.G. Niyanth, son of Sri V.G. Gridharan (In-charge of KUSO Jobs) and grand son of Sri V.G. Gopalakrishnan (Former President, KUSO), conducted 'Beat Box' programme (raising various sounds of various musical instruments through mouth) to the excitement of the audience. He along with Selvan N.N. Nagaharish sang a few hindi film songs to entertain the audience.
Sri R.K. Sridharan (Vice-President, KUSO), Sri R.R. Baskar (Joint Treasurer, KUSO), Sri P.M. Balaji, Committee. Member, KUSO) & photographer Sri R.R. Venkatesh had jointly conducted the cultural programmes.
KUSO President Sri K.V. Pathy offered 'Early Bird' prizes to the following ten early comers viz., Smt. N.R. Sumithra, Smt. Giitha, Smt. Amudha, Smt. P.S. Umadevi, Smt. Kousalya, Smt. M. Kamala, Smt. M. Kavidha, Smt. V.G. Nirmala, Smt. L.R. Girija and Smt. S.N. Nagajyothi. The first 3 prizes on Rangoli competition, were offered to Smt. P.S. Umadevi, Smt. Giitha and Smt. Kousalya Rani.
In the Lemon-Spoon Walking competitions, the following children (from I Group), viz., Sudhindhira, Dhiikshitha, Sanjeevini and siddarth and (from Group II), viz., Mukesh, Kiruthika, Amrutha were offered prizes & the following ladies, viz., Kavitha, Vanisri, Nirmala and Umadevi were offered prizes.
In the Children Fancy Dress Competitions, the first 3 prizes were offered to S.S. Arun, Aditya Janardhanan and P.B. Karthik Ganesh Musical Chair Competitions – children – the first 3 prizes offered to Pooja, Sneha and Sohaj & Ladies – the first 3 prizes offered to V.G. Nirmala, P.S. Umadevi and Kavitha In the Group Dance Competitions, Manasa and Sneha were offered prizes. R.B. Shalini and R.B. Sangiitha were offered prizes in dance competition.
In the One Minute Competition for Gents, the following won the prizes, they were: M/s M.S. Suresh, K. Premkumar, K.R. Rathnavel, K.R. Gopikrishnan, J. Maheshkumar, S.R. Krishnarao, V.N. Gopal, P.N. Gajendran, N.K. Suresh Babu, K.B. Mohan, B.R. Vasu, P.S. Sudesh, G.R. Govindan, K.K. Jeyaprakash, N.S. Naganathan and M.J. Shyam Prasanth.
All the above events were conducted by KUSO Office Bearers and Committee Members etc., viz., M/s K.V. Pathy, President, R.K. Sridharan, Vice-President, Patron Dr. B.A. Viswanath, T.S. Jayabalan, General Secretary, T.A. Pattabiraman, Secretary, K.K. GopinathSecretary, , K.K. Devadoss Babu, Treasurer, R.R. Baaskar, Asst. Treasurer, former Presidents, K.R. Kalidoss, V.G. Gopalakrishnan, Prof. N. Vasu, R.N. Sadasivan, Editor, Sonna Kodum, B.V. Srinivasan, N.R. Viswanathan, R. Krishnakumar, P.R. Gopinath, T.R. Rajesh Kanna, N. Saravanan, M.R. Nagarajan, R.R. Venkatesh, V.G. Ravindranath, B.K.M. Rajkumar, S.K. Varadarajan, P.R. Surendran, R. Ragu, P.M. Balaji and B.M. Srinivas and L.R. Selvam, Kumbakonam Committee Member and Smt. Savithri Sadasivan, Smt. Ramila Devadoss Babu, Smt. Santhi Baskar, Smt. Uma Gridharan, Smt. Yogeshwari Nagarajan, Smt. Manjula Gopinath, Smt. Saroja Jayabalan, Smt. Subapriya Krishnakumar, Smt. Kamalam Balaji, Smt. Kavitha Saravanan Smt. Jeyanthi Sridharan and Smt. Ashwini Gopinath.
The festivities of 24th Anniversary came to an end with vote of thanks by Sri R.K. Sridharan. The success of this year's Festival is in no small measure attributable to our KUSO Patron Dr. B.A. Viswanath, the dynamic visionary Chairman of the Aditya Group of Institutions, who not only contributed financially the major share by sponsoring the Auditorium, Catering and holding Medical camp but also lent the support of his entire family – his mother, Smt. Surya Kumari, his spouse Dr Priya Vishwanath and his son Aditya (who gave a Bhagavath Gita Recitation). And also his institution's staff helped in setting up the stage and his students put up very lively group dance entertainment.