The 26th Annual Day Celebration of Karnataka United Sourashtra Organisation was held on Sunday, 6th January 2019 from 8.00 am at Natakashiromani A.V. Varadachar Memorial Art Association, A.V. Varadachar Road, (Behind Nataraj Theatre), Seshadripuram, Bangalore-20 with the participation of large number of KUSO members with their families, friends and relatives.
Dr. Priya Vishwanath, wife of Dr. Vishwanath, Chairman, Aditya Institutions, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, presided over the function. Chief Guests, Sri S.S. Saravanan, B.E., M.Tech., M.L.A., Madurai South Constituency and Sri S.R. Anantharaman, Secretary, IIPE Laxmiraman Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Tirunelveli, General Secretary, Tamilnadu Sourashtra Educationists Confideration, Madurai were available on the stage along with Guest of Honour, Sri R.B.R. Rama Subramanian, B.B.A., M.H.M., B.L., and Special Invitees, Sri NSR Santharam, General Secretary, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha, Sri K.T. Gopinath, Asst. Director, Fisheries Dept., Mandapam, Tamilnadu, Sri B.R. Vasu, Secretary, Bengaluru Switchgears Manufacturer's Association (R), Bengaluru & MJF.Ln., Dr. K.Ve. Nagaraj, B.Com., PGDBA., PhD, Managing Director, Supremepacks Plastic P. Ltd., Hosur.
Smt. B.A. Vishwanath in her presidential speech thanked the KUSO office bearers to preside over the function in the absence of her husband Dr. B.A. Vishwanath under unavoidable circumstances. Feels very much honoured to lead the 26th Annual Day Celebrations. Dr. K.Ve. Nagaraj, Special Invitee, greeted the audience assembled in the hall with their families and friends. Though KUSO is mainly based at Bangalore, he appreciated in honoring outsiders from Tanjore, Ambur, Kumbakonam, Salem, Hosur etc., places in such a way to assemble for community cause outside Tamilnadu.
Sri K.T. Gopinath, Special Invitee, particularly appreciated the events organised by KUSO to accommodate people from various fields and from various places. Sri T.S. Jayabalan, General Secretary, KUSO, in his welcome address, expressed his happiness on seeing various top leaders of the community on the stage to celebrate the 26thAnnual Day.He welcomed all the above leaders as well as the KUSO members with their families and friends who assembled in the auditorium.
Sri B.R. Vasu feels proud for having sponsored prizes to the winners for nearly 20 years. He appreciated community related KUSO activities like Job Opportunites for sourashtra youngsters, maintaining the Guest House for our visitors for a short stay there. He wished KUSO to continue all such activities in future accompanied with new proposals for the benefit of the community and for which he offered his support in all possible ways.
Sri R.B.R. Ramasubramanian, appreciated the services of Tamilnadu Sourashtra Educationists Confederation, Madurai. He praised the successful running of Sourashtra Co-operarive Bank at Madurai to the fullest satisfaction of sourashtra people with their participation in the banking business for many years. He added that every one in the community must know the name of their house (GheruNaav) and their Gothram. Same Gothram members are becoming brothers and sisters and so marriage alliance will take place among different Gothram people.
This main discipline is adhered by sourashtra people for the past hundreds of years after their movement from their mother land, Sourashtra Desh (now in Gujarat State). Sourashtra Mahanadu should be conducted in the year 2020 in a grand manner for which 'facebook' can be utilised to fullest extent for vide information on sourashtra people, he stressed.
Sri N.S.R. Santharam, Geneneral Secretary, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha, Madurai and Sri M.V. Mohanram, Madurai spoke on the unity of the community and suggested to create job opportunities for our young people which will enable them to come under one umbrella that is Sourashtra Madhya Sabha. Sri S.R. Anantharaman in his speech insisted to concentrate on higher education of our children which leads to job opportunities should be offered at least 15% for our sourashtra people. He praised both Sri R.N. Sadasivan and Sri T.S. Jayabalan in appreciation of their remarkable services for the monthly journal, Sonna Kodum and multiple community related activities by KUSO.
Sri S.S. Saravanan, M.L.A., appreciated the sourashtra community though they belong to micro minority communities in the Country as they live a peaceful life with great co-operation with others without any communal problems. Our people must change themselves based on the present trend prevailing in the Country.
They must also take active participation in the present politics in the Country at least to safeguard and protect their own community among others, he insisted. As The guest of honour Dr. Sriram sekar, President, Sourashtra Madhya Sabha could not attend due to his urgent work at Delhi Sri NSR Santharam, General Secretary represented and in his speech he felt KUSO as his Mother's place. Sri T.R. Govindan, Dindigul, Sri M.R. Narayanan, Salem and Sri M.V. Mohanram and some others were honoured on the stage by KUSO office bearers.
KUSO Calendar 2019 was released by Chief Guest Sri S.S. Saravanan and he organized to hand over the calenders to the VIPs on the stage. Sri Solai Amarnath Babu, had conducted Free Medical Camp through his Vivekananda Health Mission, Madurai. Dr. Priya Viswanath, MBBS conducted Health Awareness Camp & Blood Donation Camp with the support of their staff from Aditya College of Nursing and Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy Education and Research (ABIPER). Sri M. Vijayakumar Blood Donation Camp through Rotary Club. Sri A.R. Sridharan (Brother of Smt. A.R. Mahalakshmi, Madurai, President, Tamilnadu Women Wing of B.J.P.) conducted Magic Shows which entertained the entire audience more particularly the children. Other cultural activities were jointly conducted by Vice President Sri R.K. Sridharan, Joint Treasurer Sri R.R. Baskar and the Committee Members, viz., Sri P.M. Balaji, Sri K.K. Gopinath and KUSO Photographer Sri R.R. Venkatesh jointly organized the events. Earlier in the morning, Rangoli Competitions and other children competitions were held.
KUSO President Sri V.G. Gopalakrishnan, Vice President Sri R.K. Sridharan, Patron Dr. B. A . Viswanath, General Secretary Sri T.S. Jayabalan, Secretary Sri T.A. Pattabiraman, Secretary Sri S.K. Varadarajan, Treasurer Sri K.K. Devadoss Babu, Joint Treasurer Sri R.R. Baskar, Former Presidents Sri K.R. Kalidoss, Sri K.V. Pathy, Sri R.N. Sadasivan, Editor, SONNA KODUM and Committee Members viz., Sri R. Krishnakumar, Sri T.R. Rajesh Kanna, Sri N. Saravanan, Sri M.R. Nagarajan, Sri N.R. Viswanathan, Sri R.R. Venkatesh, Sri V.G. Ravindranath, Sri B.K.M. Rajkumar, Sri K.K. Gopinath, Sri P.M. Balaji, Sri S.K. Narendra Nath, Sri T.R. Govindan, Sri K.M. Saravanan, Sri T.H. Desikachari, Sri L.S. Narasimhan and Sri P.M. Srinivas and Smt. Savithri Sadasivan, Smt. Ramila Devadoss Babu, Smt. Santhi Baskar, Smt. Uma Gridharan, Smt. Jeyanthi Sridharan, Smt. Geetha Varadharajan, Smt. Yogeswari Nagarajan, Smt. Saroja Jeyabalan, Smt. Subha Priya Krishnakumar, Smt. Kamalam Balaji, Smt. Gomathi Pattabhiraman, Smt. Madhu Rajkumar, Smt. Kavitha Saravanan and Smt. Ashwini Gopinath, all the above had jointly and severally organized.
While General Secretary Sri T.S. Jayabalan thanked all the donors and their other supporters for the successful conduct of this Annual Day Celebrations, with the vote of thanks by Secretary Sri S.K.Varadharajan, the events were concluded.