The 27th Annual Day Celebration of Karnataka United Sourashtra Organisation was held on Sunday, 16th February 2020 from 8.00 am at Natakashiromani A.V. Varadachar Memorial Art Association, A.V. Varadachar Road, (Behind Nataraj Theatre), Seshadripuram, Bangalore-20 with the participation of large number of KUSO members with their families, friends and relatives.
Dr. Vishwanath, Chairman, Aditya Institutions, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, presided over the function. Chief Guest, Sri K.V. Bala, Chairman, BVK Group of lndustries, Chennai were presence on the stage along with Guest of Honour, Dr. V.P. Ramamurthi, Chairman, Dhanalakshmi College Of Engineering, Chennai and Special Invitees, Sri Kumaran B. Jaghuva, President, Sourashtra Chamber of Commerce, Madurai and Sri K.B. Arun Karthik, Indian Cricket Player.
Selvi T.S. Poojasri sang the devotional song, Smt. Gayathri and her daughter Baby Amilthini performed the invocation dance. Sri V.G. Gopalakrishnan-President KUSO, in his welcome address, expressed his happiness on seeing various leaders of the community on the stage to celebrate the 27th Annual Day. He welcomed all the leaders as well as the KUSO members with their families and friends who were assembled in the auditorium.
Sri T.S. Jayabalan-General Secretary, in his welcome speech, explained briefly the activities of KUSO last year.
Dr. Vishwanath, in his speech, was very happy to seeing Achievers of Sourashtrian VIPs on the stage.
Sri Kumaran B. Jaghuva, in his speech said that, we, Sourastrians are God fearing and owing to the blessings, our people are very successful in all fields like job or business. Our youngsters are nowadays after completing Engineering they opt for onsite to foreign countries. They buy two to three houses and they think they achieved in life. Being a sourastrian we should do some business and give jobs to others. Then only our community will become a developed one. He said to our youngsters that don't pray for easy life but to fight/strengthen the difficulties/challenges you face. Also he insisted all to invest in shares of our 100 years old Sourashtra Co operative Bank to run further and to save the bank from difficulties.
We as a businessmen we earn plenty and we should spare some percentage of our profit to the welfare of Society as well. He said that he is ready to donate to KUSO if they initiate to build a choultry with temple at Bangalore and insisted other philanthropists to give their share.
Sri K.V.Bala, The Chief Guest in his speech said that he wondered about KUSO's functioning in Karnataka and is happy to be here in their celebrations of KUSO'S 27th Annual Day. He insisted that KUSO would cater our palkars' youngsters in IT sector to participate in our KUSO function and it's activities as well.
He further said that our elders were more capable than the present people in starting schools,colleges and Bank.
Our Sourashtra Cooperative Bank is now in trouble, to revive with the help of our people. And share and wished the bank will open branches in all places where our people are living. He said that he would do the financial support to KUSO for their Guest House and other activities as requested by the executive committee.
Sri Arun Karthik, the famous cricket player from Walajapet, in his speech, said that he was very much happy to be here as an invitee for KUSO's Annual Day and to sit with many big people here on this Dias. He said that his parents had supported him very much in his sports interest from his childhood and Dr.VPRji was his role model to become a cricketer. He also insisted that all parents should encourage their wards to sport activities along with education.
He said that he can show his talents under the Sunlight and not his speech under roof much and he was ready to support the youngsters of palkars KUSO Calendar 2020 was released by Chief Guest Sri K.V. Bala and he organized to hand over the calenders to the VIPs on the stage.
Sri Solai Amarnath Babu, had conducted Free Medical Camp through his Vivekananda Health Mission, Madurai. Dr. Priya Viswanath, MBBS conducted Health Awareness Camp with the support of their staff from Aditya College of Nursing and Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy Education and Research (ABIPER). Sri M. Vijayakumar Blood Donation Camp through Rotary Club. Sri A.R. Sridharan (Brother of Smt. A.R. Mahalakshmi, Madurai, President, Tamilnadu Women Wing of B.J.P.) conducted Magic Shows which entertained the entire audience more particularly the children. Other cultural activities were jointly conducted by Vice President Sri R.K. Sridharan, Smt. Subhasri Vishwanath and the Committee Members, viz., Sri P.M. Balaji and Sri K.K. Gopinath. Earlier in the morning, Rangoli Competitions and other children competitions were held.
KUSO President Sri V.G. Gopalakrishnan, Vice President Sri R.K. Sridharan, Patron Dr. B.A. Viswanath, General Secretary Sri T.S. Jayabalan, Secretary Sri T.A. Pattabiraman, Secretary Sri S.K. Varadarajan, Treasurer Sri K.K. Devadoss Babu, Former Presidents Sri K.R. Kalidoss, Sri K.V. Pathy, Sri R.N. Sadasivan, Editor, SONNA KODUM and Committee Members viz., Sri R. Krishnakumar, Sri T.R. Rajesh Kanna, Sri N. Saravanan, V.G. Gridharan, Sri M.R. Nagarajan, Sri N.R. Viswanathan, Sri V.G. Ravindranath, Sri B.K.M. Rajkumar, Sri P.M. Balaji, Sri S.K. Narendranath, Sri T.R. Govindan, Sri K.M. Saravanan, Sri T.H. Desikachari, Sri L.S. Narasimhan and Sri P.M. Srinivas and Smt. Savithri Sadasivan, Smt. Ramila Devadoss Babu, Smt. Santhi Baskar, Smt. Jeyanthi Sridharan, Smt. Geetha Varadharajan, Smt. Yogeswari Nagarajan, Smt. Saroja Jeyabalan, Smt. Subha Priya Krishnakumar, Smt. Kamalam Balaji, Smt. Gomathi Pattabhiraman, Smt. Madhu Rajkumar, Smt. Kavitha Saravanan and Smt. Ashwini Gopinath, all the above had jointly and severally organized all the above events and made it a grand success.
Sri.K.K.Gnana Prabhakaran Past President Sourashtra Chamber of Commerce Madurai, Sri M.V.Mohanram Madurai, Sri M.R.Narayanan and Sri.V.N. Sekar Salem, Sri V.N.Baskar Ooty also attended the function. Sri Arun Karthick Birthday falls on the same day, surprisely celebrated on the stage and enjoyed with us and children.
Bhasha Samman Smt. Saroja Soundarajan sent greeting to KUSO in Sourashtra language in the form of poem.
While General Secretary Sri T.S. Jayabalan thanked all the donors and their other supporters for the successful conduct of this Annual Day Celebrations, with the vote of thanks by Vice President Sri R.K.Sridharan, the events were concluded.