E-Journal "Sonna Kodum"
Due to Corona spreading and financial problem KUSO's monthly magazine "Sonna Kodum" will publish as E-Journal from July 2020 onwards.
Those who are all getting by post, requested to register your WhatsApp or E-mail
CLICK HERE, it will be convinient for us to send you the Sonna Kodum E-Journal.
To get the E-journal those who are not getting by post, download the membership form
CLICK HERE, fill and send us by Courier.
Sridhar | +91 80885 06655 | Jayabalan | +91 74113 82726 |
Devadass | +91 93412 36996 | Varadha | +91 97311 11245 |
Rajkumar | +91 94498 13289 | Pattabiraman | +91 98441 84472 |
Karnataka United Sourashtra Organisation® sup> (KUSO), with the initiative of Prof. N. Vasu, was established on 1st August 1993, with four founded members - Sri H.R. Ramu, Sri Prof. N. Vasu, Sri M.S. Vinosh and Sri M.G. Nagabhushana. KUSO was started with just 40 members in the biginning. Since its inception KUSO is doing many number of social activities for the upliftment of downtrodden Sourashtra community people.
Just like carnivals it celebrates one Annual Day and two Jadhaga Parivarthanai Melas, every year, to creat a sense of cmmunal unity, which is widely lacking in our Sourashtra community. KUSO publishes one offical journal - Sonna Kodum - for internal circulation, to exhibit the social happenings, news, articles,titbits etc., to benifit the Sourashtra people, every month.
To some extent KUSO attained the goal of communal unity for which KUSO was established. KUSO is knwon every Sourashtrian not only in India but also abroad and grown like a banian tree, covering more than 1500 families.
Karnataka United Sourashtra Organization (KUSO) has seen constant growth in its membership count and activities from the time it was founded in 1993, with your active participation and support. The hard work of several members of KUSO teams in the past has helped to reach where we are today.
We have a strength of 1800 members and more are enrolling. KUSO has been active over the years organizing-Global Jadhaga Parivarthanai Melas (Marriage Bureau) twice a year Maha Dasal (annually) Tirupati Balaji pooja, jointly by all members family Diva puje (Worship of Deepam) on full moon day every month by our ladies Celebration of Annual Day in a grand manner with cultural activities.
We publish 'Sonna Kodum', a monthly magazine in multi-colour giving coverage of community news from Karnataka as well as Tamilnadu and other States.
We had organised some functions jointly with the Sourashtra Association, Bangalore, in one of which the Japanese research scholar in Sourashtra language, Dr. Uchida Norihico was conferred the title of 'Sourashtra Bhushana'.
We run 'KUSO Guest House' where we accommodate poor Sourashtra students and job seekers coming to Bangalore for writing exams or attending interviews, free of charge for three days.
We conduct Yajur Upa karma (jenjam tinnaaL) annually for our community members.
Medical Camp and Blood Donation Camp during Annual Day.
A Job service 'KUSO JOBS' for our youth.
An ambitious housing project, 'Sourashtra Nagar' for our community is in progress.
A Seminar was organised by KUSO at Chennai on 14th Apri, 2016 for demanding Recognition of Sourashtra language by the Govt. as an Independent language and its inclusion in the 8th Schedule of Indian Constitution so that our Linguistic Minority community may get the benefits due to them.
We participate in all community functions organised by the Sourashtra Madhya Sabha and the Sabhas in all Towns and Cities.
Additionally, we wish to conduct classes for teaching our mother tongue to our school children and also run a Library.
Further details of KUSO activities are available at our website : www.kuso.co.in maintained by us.
Bangalore, with its tremendous growth of IT/ITES companies and other sectors, has become Karma Bhoomi of several Sourashtrian youngsters from Tamil Nadu and other parts of India. As with any organization, KUSO also needs active young minds to steer our Vision and progress systematically towards all inclusive growth. The current leadership team is planning to convert KUSO as a hub of several social activities to the betterment of our community. To make this possible, a focused drive is planned to bring in all Sourashtrian families living in Bangalore and other parts of Karnataka under the umbrella of KUSO.
KUSO Leadership team shall interact with them personally over email or Phone and invite them to become a member of KUSO. Looking forward to your valuable contribution for KUSO expansion.
Global Jadhaga Parivarthanai Mela


Click to download, print it and send us filled application forms
KUSO Bank Details for Online Payment CLICK HERE
Sonna Kodum

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Sonna Kodum in PDF
KUSO Marriage Bureau accepts the responsibility of forwarding the horoscope details to the parents of alliance seekers (Who registered) only. The genuineness of the horoscope and the other information furnished therein should be verified by the parents concerned. The applicants should quote the Reference Number mentioned in all the horoscope details published in this issue, which will enable us to locate and send them a particular horoscope without much delay.
Dear Parents
The registration of horoscope with KUSO Marriage bureau is valid only for a period of 6 months from the date of registration. Any request for horoscope copies after the expiry of the said 6 months period, will be entertained only upon renewal of your boy's/girl's horscope with KUSO. Ref: No. must be quoted in all your correspondence.
For further details, please contact Mobile : 9902264195
- Events
- Annualdays
- Melas

Karnataka United Sourashtra Organisation® sup>
S-1859, 1st 'G' Main,
'D' Block, M.K.K. Road,
Rajajinagar 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru - 560010.

Bank Details:
Central Bank of India
Account Holder Name: KUSO
A/c No.: 1198262043
IFSC Code No.: CBIN0281200
Branch: Rajajinagar Branch, Bengaluru

+91 99022 64195

+91 99022 64195


Dear Members
Please deposit your subscriptions, membership, marriage application, Renewal fees, Donations to our savings bank account.
Please inform after deposit to Mobile : 9902264195